Take A Minute To Sing Episode 13: Ear Training

Take a Minute to Sing Episode 13: Ear Training- Major and Minor Chords

Ear training is exercising the voice to notice subtle variations and recognize nuances in sound. It is important for basic musicianship, improving pitch, and helping when harmonizing with other singers.
Today we work on chords in root position. Root position means the chord starts with the first degree of the scale. For example, a C major scale (C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C) is made up of the following steps (whole, whole, half, whole, whole, whole, half). The C major triad (meaning 3 notes) or chord (which can have 2 or more notes) is made up of the C, E, and G notes of the scale (every other note, or 1, 3, and 5). It can also be described as a major 3rd (4 half-steps) and a minor 3rd (3 half-steps). The sound has a happy, positive feeling. The next chord of the scale is D, E, and F. It’s a D minor, which is made up of a minor 3rd and major 3rd. This chord has a sadder, more melancholy feeling.
Practice identifying major and minor chords. Then rehearse outlining the chord using different vowel sounds (like “Oo”). For example, (1, 3, 5, 3, 1), (2, 4, 6, 4, 2), etc. As always, prepare the breath and don’t forget to lower, line, lift and loosen as mentioned in earlier episodes.
Don’t forget to take a minute to sing every day!
Copyright 2014 Bridges Voice Instruction